The Dallas Steeles

The Dallas Steeles

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Tomorrow is my last official day at work!! WHOHOO!! And then Thursday is a day to clean, relax and have some ME TIME!!! :) And then Friday is the BIG DAY!!!!!! Also I had a Dr Appointment today. After my adventure at Labor and Delivery yesterday I was HOPING for some kind of progress, but nothing. This boy sure is STUBBORN like his DAD! So, after having contractions that were measuring 3-5 minutes apart I just was NOT dilating! So, they sent me home! And all night last night I had contractions and ALL DAY today at work I had contractions! Do you see a pattern here? Anyways, my C-section was scheduled for Friday at 1pm, but I got the BEST call from my Dr today (after my appointment) asking me, "Do you think you could have your baby at 8:30 in the morning Friday?" SHOUTING I replied, "YES!!" I am so excited!! Even though we have to be at the hospital at 6:00 AM now, I am going to be holding my SON BY 9:00 in the morning!!! WHOHOO!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Goodluck Kassie!! I can't wait for pictures! I'll be thinking about you ALL day Friday!! Update asap! :)
