Once we got to the Hospital they took us back and gave Breckyn some "goofy juice," which made her so funny!!! LOL!! Her ENT came into our "curtain" at one point to let us know it was almost time and she said (very politely), "Could you please leave. I am coloring." Strider and I about died! :) She was so funny. Then when the anastethiologist came in, who happen to be a girl and fairly young, she said, "Your pretty, I like you." She even got to take her Teddy Bear back with her into surgery!!!
When they took her back, she went willingly and calmly, which was good for me, because once they put us in the small, closet of a waiting area, I lost it. I know it was a very minor surgery, but you just never know and she is my baby! So of course, Strider made fun of me! But the whole surgery start to finish lasted maybe thirty minutes! The Surgeon said she did great and it was a good thing we took those things out because they were full of infection!
After we got to go back to see her she was so calm and I just held her and rocked her! She drank some Apple Juice, had a Popsicle, and we headed home! She is such a tough cookie!!
Breckyn got a surprise one day when Grandma Steele sent her BALLOON!!!! SHE LOVED THEM! So much that she NAPPED with them. She specifically asked me to bring her balloons to her, so they could nap too! LOL! :)
Overall, her recovery was WAY better than mine!! Within a weeks she was back to eating hamburgers and chips compared to my three weeks of chicken stalk and Popsicles! :)
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