Xander is such a big boy!! He was in the 95% for height and 30% for weight. Tall and skinny. Which looking back were the same exact stats as Breckyn was at one year!!! :) He wasn't allowed to get any shots though, because he STILL has strep throat. UGH! So, we have to wait a couple weeks and then take him back. But other than that he is fit as a fiddle!!! He has four teeth right now. Two on top and two on bottom, but working on three more (two K-9's) and one on bottom. He isn't walking all the time just yet, but it's pretty darn close. He loves to steal whatever his sister has and then play the victim when she steals it back. I can see many battles in the Steele house that will happen soon! :) But his favorite thing is to play with Breckyn. He gets so excited when she actually lets him play! LOL!! He isn't talking a ton yet, but his new words are Xander, brother, and sister. He loves to clap and his smile is so heart melting. He is such a great boy and we are so blessed!!!

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