My Mom and Aunt Helen came down to visit this weekend and we had a BLAST!!! We went to the Dallas Zoo and it was great!!! I have lived in Dallas 6 years and this is the FIRST time I have been!! Breckyn and I rode the CAMEL!! It was so cool. Her name was Tiffany and Breckyn kept saying, "Good Tiffany! Your a good girl!" LOL! It was cute!!!

Then we came home and played outside!! It was a beautiful day here, a little windy, but great! So, we were practicing our twirling!! Hopefully I can get her to focus long enough to get a routine together so maybe we can twirl at Shannon's contest at the end of April! Or at least we can do our special duet! :)
Then Grandma and Mama tried to get Breckyn to do her somersault!! I think she is the only one that got it right! LOL!! How is it that a two year old can do it perfect!? Oh, yeah, I am old and out of shape!! Pay close attention to my Mom who seems to have lost her "way." LOL!
Then Mama decided to see if she still had it! LOL! Not my best work, but not horrible. I am definitely not KSU field ready and I have only 6 months to get my fat butt in gear to look half way decent at the game!! It's ALUMNI year!!! WHOHOO!!! :) Xander will be almost a year old then!! WOW!! Where has the time gone?!!!
Aww I love weekends like that, glad you guys enjoyed it! :)