I just realized I forgot to update everyone on Breckyn's 2 year check up!! Well, she is very advanced in her "language and understanding" the pediatrician said!! She said some of the things Breckyn says and does are 3-4 year old developmental skills!! I knew she was a genius and if you ask her dad he would say, "Was there any doubt? Look at her Father!" LOL!! But she was in the 70% for weight!! We finally made it! LOL!! And 65% for height! So, they were predicting her to be about 5'8"or 5'9" if you got by what the pediatrician called "the old grandmother's tale!" Doubt their height at age 2 and that will be their adult height! I guess only time will tell! :) But we are glad to say she is 110% healthy and handled her shots really well! :) She got even got a flu shot and Mommy got one too!! So, hopefully we will have a "flu free" house this winter!! I am still in negotiations with her Father about HIS flu shot though!

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