So, about a month ago I bought Breckyn "We Sing in Sillyville" which is a movie I use to watch when I was in grade school!!! And I can remember sitting in Mrs. Cooke's music class praying we were going to watch it!! LOL!! I thought she would LOVE it becuase it has so many fun songs and they have lots of hand movements wiht them. Little did I know HOW MUCH she was going to like it!!! Its usually a given that we watch it first thing in the morning when she wakes up, and DEFINATELY right when she gets home from daycare!!! I would guess on an average we watch "Rumble Rumble," which is what Breckyn calls it becuase of her FAVORITE song in it, about 5 times a day!!! UGH! I cannot get her to watch any cartoons or learning programs on TV, but she will sit for an HOUR and watch this movie!!!! I was so excited to get this movie for her, but definately regretting it now. I have even found myself at working singing the "Sillyville" songs in my head!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH! However, I would recommend this movie to anyone with toddlers!!

Breckyn watching "Sillyville" so seriously!!
I'm going to order it for Colton soon! That was one of my favorites and I was always praying in Mrs. Cooke's class that we would get to watch it as well! I hope he doesn't like it QUITE as much as Breckyn though...LOL...Once a day is PLENTY!