Breckyn competed at her FIRST Texas State Twirling Championships in June and she did really well! I was VERY proud of her! She did ratings dress modeling, ratings basic strut, and ratings best appearing and did well in all of those! Then she competed in Novice Basic Strut and did the BEST basic strut I had seen her do! She smiled big, pointed her toes, and marched her square really well! She ended up getting SECOND place out of 11 in that!! I was so proud of her! :) She also competed in Best Appearing, which is costume modeling. The routine she did was not her best at all, and I was a little disappointed in it. They did not post any results until Sunday, so we had no idea how she did. After she had done her basic strut Ms. Shelia (one of the coaches for Texas Touch of Class) came up to us and said, "What did Breckyn do yesterday?" I said, "Best appearing, but it was not good, so I doubt if we will be in the top 5." They only place the top 5 girls in each event, so if they are not there they don't receive an award. So, Ms. Shelia said, "We posted awards by the practice gym wall, you should go look." I said, "Was Breckyn's name on the wall?!" She said, "You should go look." So, Breckyn and I trucked up to the practice gym to look at the wall and I was excited because I thought at least she gets a medal! I look from the bottom up and there it was. Breckyn's name right next to FIRST PLACE!!! There were 12 girls in this event and Breckyn WON! Also, they did NOT divide up the categories, so Breckyn was keeping again Novice (which is what she competes as), Beginning, and Advanced girls! I just about started crying! I couldn't believe she WON! I am so incredibly proud of her! We still have a long way to become Miss Majorette of America, but I think for our first official year twirling she did WONDERFUL!

Mommy and Breckyn before Dress Modeling
Breckyn and Savannah Miller who is the Grand National Twirling Champion!
There it is! HER NAME!!!
Breckyn and her 1st place trophy and 2nd place medal!
Megan and Breckyn!
Breckyn after ratings dress modeling
Breckyn holding up the sheet with her name as FIRST!
Megan worked really hard and WON her pageant! Intermediate Texas Majorette!
We would be lost without all of Megan and her Mom, Tammy's, help!
Erica our Senior Miss Majorette of Texas!
Mrs. Shirley and Breckyn
Pam Irwin and Breckyn. Pam use to judge and give me lessons!