For once a blog not about the kids! :) I went back to have a "Girls Weekend" with my partner in crime, Lindsay Hoover! We busted out the fire batons, visited old 'hang outs," met up with old friends, and made new ones! :) But, the best part was getting to Watch my FIRST KSU game of the season and the one that sealed the deal for Big XII Champs!!! There is NO better school, NO better coach, NO better band, NO better Twirlers, NO better cheerleaders, NO better dancers, NO better QUARTERBACK (Heisman or no Heisman, I would rather have a ROLE MODEL and GOOD PERSON as a quarterback vs a Heisman winner), and NO better TEAM than my KANSAS STATE WILDCATS!!!!!!!! This is the place I DREAMED of twirling at, the place I met my husband, the place I met my best friend! This is the place that my daughter spent her first birthday and will go to College and follow in her Mommy's foot steps as a KSU Twirler (really need to work on that college fund-taking donations now). This is the place my kids will hear stories about and hopefully love just as much as we do!! Dorothy was right, "There is NO Place like Home," and Manhattan, Ks will always be my home!
Katelyn and I after her last KSU performance as Feature Twirler! |
Myself, Katelyn, and Lindsay! |
There is NO better mascot than WILLIE!!! |
Just had to throw this in for good measure. My what ten years,
two kids, and a husband will do to you! :) |
Hmmm.... Same picture 10 years ago? LOL :) We are even standing on the same SIDES! |
This picture give me the CHILLS! The KSU chant on the TOP of the press box?? YES PLEASE! |