The Dallas Steeles

The Dallas Steeles

Friday, March 23, 2012

Xander: 18 MONTHS

How did this happen?! How did my cuddly little Mama's boy grow up so fast? He had his 18 month check up yesterday and, as we already knew, he is perfect in every way and highly developed! Dr. Shinn was very impressed with how calm he is, how well he listens (pretty sure he doesn't get that from his sister!), and how strong his little legs are! LOL! He was in the 90% -95% in height (no surprise since he has ALWAYS been tall (thank goodness for those Steele genes!), 45-50% for weight (he is a good eater!), and 50% for his head circumference (he is a smart boy). So, overall, I have a tall, skinny, very smart little boy! :)
Standing up tall at the Doctor's Office
He also showed Dr. Shinn how he likes to jump, which she said they don't normally do until they are 2, how he can follow directions by putting up a book he was looking at, and how he can wink. Yes, I said wink. He is a little flirt and has starting "winking" at all my friends lately! LOL! His form of winking is closing both eyes and then crinkling his nose up while he gives you that heart melting smile!
Xander "winking!"
Some New things about Xander:
Anything with Wheels!! He loves hot wheels cars and he will play with them while he says, "Vroom Vroom!"

If we are play with the kitchen in Breckyn's room he will bring me a cup, and "cheers" his with mine, then pretend to drink his, and go "Ahhhh" when he is "finished!"

He LOVES his sister's "Fish tank" she has in her room. He will point to it and say "Fisssss" until I pull it down so he can just watch it. The "Fish Tank" is something we plug in and the fish are on a screen that just keep rotating so it looks like they are swimming (we also use it as a nightlight for Breckyn).

Loves to play in the SAND!!! We have a sandbox that he LOVES to play in! And since the weather has been super nice here, we play in it A LOT.

He will eat just about anything you put in front of him, and if he doesn't want it he will throw it across the kitchen. Bad for Mommy and Daddy, but good for Lola and Toby!

He LOVES his sister! He would much rather play with her than anyone else! :)

He loves to sit on your lap and let you read book after book to him!!


Timeout. All I have to do is ask him if he wants to go to timeout and he shakes his head no! LOL! However, he does go there at least once a night for pulling on his sister's hair!

MEDICINE! I blame the 7 months of Strep throat on that one! Trying to get medicine down that boy is harder than trying to take a cupcake away from ME! He refuses to swallow it even when it is his mouth!!! We recently attempted to try chewable Singular (his allergy medicine), but that was a NO-GO! I had to keep putting it back in his mouth and then give him some milk to drink so it would dissolve! However he does love a chewable vitamin! :)

Xander doesn't say a whole lot but his vocabulary has gotten quiet a bit better lately!! Our new words are: Plane, Please (which sounds more like peese), red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple, Brecky, bear, and book. But the best saying yet is "Go Cats!" Seriously, did you NOT think my child would already love KSU? :)
Playing in the sand!
Feeding himself!!! And yes, I think my son will be a lefty! What you don't see is the mess on the floor from missing his mouth! LOL!

 Sportin' his KSU hat!! He LOVES that thing! GO STATE!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Dash Down Greenville 5K

Second 5K- CHECK! On ST. Patty's day my friends Stephanie, Takesia, a friend of Takesia's, and Brandon did the Dash Down Greenville! It was my first, and very interesting! LOL! It was a blast and HOT HOT HOT! I learned two things that day. I will not be able to run with anyone who is a complainer! Not that any of my friends were, but a girl in our running class "ran" with us and complained the WHOLE TIME! And, BRING YOUR WATER BOTTLE!! I even bought a handy dandy water bottle that fits on my hand so I won't even have to "hold" it while i run, but I left it in the car!!

Next Race: Jog with the Frog March 31st!!

Brandon, me, Takesia, Takesia's friend, and Stephanie

KHA Girls!