We had such an amazing Christmas Morning!!! It started with Xander and I waking up at 5Am for a little breakfast for him! :) Then I got some cute pictures of him under the tree!!

About 7 Breckyn comes out and sees all the presents that Santa brought her under the tree and her reaction was classic!!! I believe her words were, "OOOOO, presents!!!" And went running to them and just starred! :) We had so much fun watching her open all her presents!! Her favorite present had to be this plush Tinkerbell doll!! Tink even got her own chair at the table for Breakfast! :) She got so many Tinkerbell toys, DVDs, color books, her own camera, and clothes she should be set for a while! :) I think its time to clean out her old toys to make room!!

Xander made out pretty darn good too!! :) He got lots of 6 month clothes! Santa must have known that he was growing fast!!! He also got some toys, that his big sister seems to think are hers! LOL!!
One of Breckyn's presents that are really more for Mommy and Daddy were BIG GIRL PANTIES!!!! We have been working on potty training forever it seems and she just could care less!! So, today we put some big girl panties on and it didn't go so well! LOL!! Let's just say we went through TWO pair of big girl panties in less than 15 minutes! So, hopefully we can keep working with her on it and it will finally click!! However, we KNOW she knows what to do because she goes by herself at daycare!! I have even HEARD HER TELL THEM she needed to go potty!!! So, fingers crossed!!
All in all we had a GREAT Christmas morning and after opening presents and eating breakfast we were all ready for a mid morning nap with a little help from the trusty rocking chair! :)

But the most exciting thing was my present! Strider put a piece of wood in a bag for me! Which means I am GETTING MY HARDWOOD FLOORS!!!! WHOHOO!!!!! I am so excited I can't wait!!!
I hope you all got everything you wanted and have a great Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Merry Christmas from Breckyn and Xander!