Here is the Recipe for a miserable weekend so far:
1-Pneumonia (Breckyn)
2 possibly 3-Sore throats (Me, Strider, and possibly Breckyn- she is pretty horse)
1- Blocked tear duct, but pretty sure its actually pink eye (Xander- good thing the eye drops the doc gave us treat pink eye)
2- Gunky pink eyes (that would be all me)
2- Ear infections (Breckyn)
3- Coughs (Breckyn, Strider, and I)
1 possible 2- Congested noses (Me for sure and Xander seems a little congested)
1-Runny nose
1-chipped tooth that will cost and arm and leg to get fixed (all me!)
And the FINAL ingredient
1-KSU LOSS (because our defense gave up and turnovers killed us)
Add all these together and you will get the most perfectly miserable weekend thus far in the Steele house. I hope this ends SOON, I can't handle much more. And I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS RECIPE TO ANYONE!!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Last week of maternity leave.. NOT GOOD!
Well my last week of maternity leave was NOTHING I wanted it to be. Breckyn has pneumonia with ear infections, Xander has a blocked tear duct causing some nasty gunky stuff in and around his eye, Strider has a sore throat, and I have horrible congestion and a chipped tooth that is going to cost an arm and leg to fix. Ugh. When will it end? Hopefully Breckyn can get back to daycare Monday, which is also my first day back to work, and Xander's first day of daycare!
I am terrified Breckyn will get worse and have to be put in the hospital, but she seems to be better now. She still has some pretty bad coughing when she lays flat on her back, but other than that she is a wild woman! She is on breathing treatments now with her "Dino-mask!" She does really well with them and loves wearing her mask! She also has antibiotics that she is taking too.

But regardless of Breckyn not feeling well, she wanted to wear her ladybug Halloween costume. I figure why not, we aren't going to get to enjoy Halloween this year anyways, and I did pay for it! LOL!! But she is the cutest ladybug in Dallas I think!

Here's to hoping my week at work goes by quick and painless and that my family starts to feel better soon!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
First Pumpkin Carving!
Strider, Breckyn, and I carved our first pumpkin last night! Xander was just to tired to help, so he just slept! Breckyn really wasn't a fan of pulling any of the "guts" out of the pumpkin! She would use a spoon but if any of it got on her she was NOT happy! LOL!! It probably didn't help that right after that we realized she was running a small fever too. But regardless we got some great pictures!
Getting ready to start!

Not happy her feet got "guts" on them!

Finished product!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Hey good lookin' whatcha got cookin'?
We got Breckyn this kitchen set for her birthday (best gift ever!) and her Great Aunt Shari made her the cute apron for her birthday as well! The first thing Breckyn does when she comes home from daycare is play with her kitchen!! She likes to make spaghetti and coffee! LOL!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Fun times!
Breckyn and Mommy both feel asleep watch Breckyn's favorite movie "Tink," which is Tinkerbell the Great Fairy Rescue! We can't go ANYWHERE without "Tink!" She has just started this obsession with Tinkerbell stuff!!! If it has Tink on it she is in heaven!!! :)
Breckyn also fell in the lake while Daddy was fishing! LOL!! She didn't go under the water or anything though! Strider heard her coming up behind him and turned and she tried to stop, but slid in some mud and slid right into the lake! LOL!!! She was a MESS!!! She had mud from head to toe!!!
Bath Time is Fun!
Last Thursday KSU played KU (at KU) and we all sat down to watch the game as a family! LOL!! Breckyn just cracked us up!! Just randomly she would yell, "GO STATE!" Or she would hold her nose and say, " PU KU!" LOL!! She is such an smart little girl!! But I found it tough to watch (even though we KILLED them) with a newborn in my arms!! I just wanted to jump up and down and yell!!! LOL!! There were a couple times that I did stand up and cheer, and immediately looked down to see if I woke Xander up, but it didn't even phase him! LOL!! When my boy is asleep he is really asleep! LOL!! :)
But this is how my little man watched the game:
But this is how my little man watched the game:

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Lacey's Visit!
My Friend Lacey came down on Monday and we have been doing the "Tourist" thing!! LOL!! She, Xander, and I went to the Kid Kraddick show (which was really cool and we got to meet all the cast!), drove by Cowboys Stadium, Rangers Stadium, Six Flags, downtown Dallas, and visited the Arboretum!! She also took some AMAZING pictures of Xander and I at the Arboretum! I am sad to see her go because we had so much fun reminiscing about "the good ole' days!"
Friday, October 1, 2010
2 Week Check up
We had Xander's two week check up today!!! He is perfectly healthy!! :) I KNEW he was a good eater, but weighing him today definitely confirmed it! LOL!! He is now 7lbs 11oz!! And he is now 21 3/4 inches long!!! :) My little boy is growing so fast!!! He is officially two weeks old now! I want time to just STOP! Breckyn is getting so big and independent and now my baby is two weeks old!! UGH! That means I only have FOUR weeks left on Maternity leave! :( I just wish I could stay home forever with both my babies!
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